Memorial Service
The memorial service for Mom will be at the First United Methodist Church in Stephenville at 5:30 PM on Thursday, July 28th. Click here for a map and directions. There will be a private family burial preceding this.
We look forward to seeing you and celebrating Mom's life on Thursday!
We look forward to seeing you and celebrating Mom's life on Thursday!
At Tue Jul 26, 09:55:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Don, Leslie & Steve,
Lucía has just told me about Susie, and I want to send you all my love and I hope that you will be all right. I always remember Susie as an exceptional Woman, with an enormous Heart, always being loving and caring to the people who surround her. For me she is a model of love to follow. I hope that she can help us to become better persons every day, and to look like her.
With love,
Isabel (Lucía’s youngest sister)
At Tue Jul 26, 01:31:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was so sorry to hear about Susie. I know she is waiting for us all now in heaven where she is being praised for her life of service to God and others.
She and Polly were some of the first friends I made when we came to Stephenville in 1989. She loved her family so much and really enjoyed her life with you.
I have been praying for her and now I will pray that you as her family will feel God's loving, healing presence in your lives.
Carolyn Moore
At Tue Jul 26, 03:36:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Don, Leslie, Steve and family,
We are very grateful to the Lord for having had the opportunity to know Susie. She made us feel desires to be a better person. From Heaven she continues to do it.
Thank you, Susie, and until we meet again.
Pilar and Fernando
At Wed Jul 27, 10:35:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Polly, Don, and family,
Susie was probably my first friend, and probably one of my first memories. When we were about three years old I was allowed for the first time to spend the night away from home--with Susie. She had chickens and pear trees and a big swing set. I loved her house. A good thing, too. Because when Leslie and Polly moved to Dallas, my parents bought that house. Her bedroom then became my bedroom. We used to laugh about that.
When we were four and five, along with Linda Smith and Sharon Dennis, and other little girls, our parents put us in dancing class together at Miss Chaffin's Dance Studio. I still have pictures of us in our little indian costume.
I will always treasure knowing that wonderful little girl with those beautiful dark curls.
Much love,
Teddie Jo Linxwiler Ryan
Hampton, Virginia
At Wed Jul 27, 11:37:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just can't believe it! This morning is my first chance to log on for several days, because of visiting grandson and other children/grandchildren ins and outs, so I JUST learned the sad news. Will be phoning!
At Wed Jul 27, 07:52:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Susie is the brave one. She went before the rest of us to make sure everything will be just right when we join her. She will be ready to see us, camera in hand for a few pictures. We'll get to see her sparkling eyes and beautiful smile again and feel her welcoming embrace.
The world is a much better place because of Susie Coan. We praise God for having put her in our lives, even though it was just for a short time.
We love you,
William, Karen, Will, David, and Katherine
At Wed Jul 27, 07:59:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm forwarding to you this message from the Rector at our church, All Saints' Episcopal, in Austin, The Rev. Michael K. Adams:
Please know that Kelley and I extend our deepest sympathies to Susie's family, you, and all who were touched by her. She and the family will be in my prayers as well as the church's. And, if there's anything else I can do, you know I'm accessible to you!
May her soul along with the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace as Light Perpetual shines upone her! And, may God truly be the Holy
Comforter to all those who mourn.
In the Name of the Risen Christ,
At Fri Jul 29, 10:20:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Don, Steve, Leslie, & Polly, What a beautiful service! It was so easy to see who had orchestrated it! I will see Suzie everytime I come up the lane, remember her as I knew her - one of a kind! I love her. Don, I was telling Leslie the other day about the day Jalyn (11), and I came over to see Suzie and bring her a flower. Jalyn looked over at the tree house and said, "I remember having a tea party in that tree house with Suzie and Pumpkin." She was probably about 3 at the time. Pumpkin was glad to have company that day, as you guys had gone to the Dr. I also told Leslie about the time Suzie sneaked over to Toby & Rona's little house and left Easter baskets on the picnic table for the boys to find. They were probably about 4 & 5 at the time. Jared was telling me about the baskets and asked me "Mema, do you know MY Suzie?" I thought that was priceless! Jared will be a junior in High School this year. There must absolutely be years of these stories. How Blessed your family is to have had her. God be with you all, Debbie Mills
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